The Best Shortcuts            

Our network

The agency, hierarchically attached to the General Management, intervenes in local operations on behalf of economic operators.

It has sufficient resources and autonomy to perform all the services entrusted to it by clients, directly or through the central management, and manage relations with the local port authorities.

As mentioned above, the network of own agencies ensures a national presence in the 7 most important commercial ports of the country: Algiers, Bejaia, Djendjen, Skikda, Annaba, Mostaganem and Oran

Commercial Management

Adresse Direction :Cité 730 logements AADL 2 Bt 10 et 19 bab ezzouar Alger

(+213)23 92 97 22/24/25

(+213) 23 92 97 21


5, rue de Biskra el Mohammedia (ex Lavigerie), Alger.

+213(021) 53 94 61

+213(021) 82 93 11

Sun - Thu: 8:30 - 17:00

Quick links


Adresse Direction :Cité 730 logements AADL 2 Bt 10 et 19 bab ezzouar Alger

(+213)23 92 97 22/24/25

(+213) 23 92 97 21